Grumpy Monkey Play All Day
Everyday chores are all mundane, however, playing or spending your entire time having fun, is not!
This is a simple, colorful, counting book with Pete the Cat for kids. The illustrations in this book are very pretty and pleasing and are sure to entice young beginning readers. It is a slow-moving book, not an enthusiastic and energetic story.
Title: Pete the Cat's 12 Groovy Days of Christmas
Author/Illustrator: Kimberly Dean & James Dean
Publisher: HarperCollins
This would be a good book for toddlers and lower-level elementary kids who are learning to count.
Everyday chores are all mundane, however, playing or spending your entire time having fun, is not!
This is very true - even discarded ideas can build the basis for great things in life!
Halloween is over, but it looks like we're not really done with Halloween books! This is part of a book series that never disappoints the readers.