Leave it to Plum


This is a story about a peacock named Plum who is one of the peacock ambassadors of the Athensville Zoo - Plum and other peacocks are allowed to freely roam about in the zoo. But Itch the Ningbing questions why peacocks alone would be given so much freedom when all other animals are restrained. In this story, Itch gives a try to become the zoo ambassador.

Title: Leave it to Plum

Author/Illustration: Matt Phelan 

> This simple book has short chapters and catchy black-and-white illustrations.

> This story contains elements of friendship, goodness, and kindness.

> This is a Texas Bluebonnet award nominee book for 2023-24.

> This would be appealing to the upper elementary and middle-grade kids.

> Great book for animal and zoo lovers.