Jonty Gentoo: The Adventures of a Penguin


This story is about an impressive and unforgettable journey of Jonty, the penguin and his adventures while on the way to the South Pole.

Title: Jonty Gentoo: The Adventures of a Penguin

Author: Julia Donaldson

Illustrator: Axel Scheffler

Publisher: Scholastic Press 

Jonty lives in the zoo with his family. He understands that he and his family are safe inside the zoo, and that he would be given food, a place to sleep and play, and good enough care while he is inside the zoo. However, he also knows that there are other members of his large family who live at the South Pole and he is eager to meet them and see the place they inhabit. Keen to see his fellow Gentoos, he escapes from the zoo one night and sets out on an exciting journey to the South Pole. Maybe Jonty was overly enthusiastic, unfortunately, at the culmination of his journey, he reaches the North Pole! Oh,no! Wrong place! How did this happen???

Luckily for Jonty, a little bird in the arctic comes to his help. The bird is actually surprised to see a penguin at the North Pole because the bird knows that usually penguins are found at the South Pole. Jonty asks the bird if she will show him the correct way to the South Pole and the bird happily agrees. However, is Jonty strong enough for such a long journey???

📚 Gorgeous book especially for penguin lovers.

📚 Rhythmic text and captivating lively and engaging illustrations. Excellent work from this author-illustrator duo!

📚 Recommended for kids ages 4+


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Stories are powerful! This is a calming story but with a lot of excitement and surprises!

Brilliant Bea


This story addresses a very relevant yet difficult topic, pertaining to kids. It inspires kids to be persistent and strive to achieve anything defying all odds!

A very simple book that tells us how friendships might change and how we would feel afterward. It makes us aware of the inevitability of losing friends as life moves on.