Brilliant Bea


This story addresses a very relevant yet difficult topic, pertaining to kids. It inspires kids to be persistent and strive to achieve anything defying all odds!

Title: Brilliant Bea

Author: Mary Vukadinovich , Shaina Rudolph

Illustrator: Fiona Lee

Publisher: Magination Press ― American Psychological Association

Bea, a little girl, is a bit different than other kids of her age. It is hard for her to not be distracted and stay on a single task. She sometimes dreams when in the classroom, and hence, misses a lot of classroom work. She has to miss recess to make up for the work she missed in the class hours. Sometimes, the teacher asks her to read out loud in the class and she becomes extremely anxious to do it. She finds it difficult to read the words and stammers mixing up the letters and words.

However, her teacher and family support her well and they encourage her to tell stories since she is a great storyteller. To keep Bea going, once, her teacher thinks of gifting her a tape recorder so that she can record her stories and relieve her anxiety of reading out loud in front of the class. This idea was spot on! Bea's friends enjoyed listening to these recorded stories during recess and slowly, Bea started gaining confidence in herself. She started realizing that there is nothing wrong in being different from others!

📚 This book would serve as a positive inspiration to lot of young kids in today's world since they would be able to relate themselves with this story.

📚 Marvelous expressive illustrations complement the story well!

📚 Recommended for kids ages 5+


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Stories are powerful! This is a calming story but with a lot of excitement and surprises!

Brilliant Bea


This story addresses a very relevant yet difficult topic, pertaining to kids. It inspires kids to be persistent and strive to achieve anything defying all odds!

A very simple book that tells us how friendships might change and how we would feel afterward. It makes us aware of the inevitability of losing friends as life moves on.