Ben’s Flying Flowers


A beautiful, but bittersweet read that will help little kids understand death and how to cope with it. This story is told from the perspective of a little girl, Emily, who loves her little brother Ben so much and they spend hours and hours in the company of each other chasing butterflies ("Flying flowers - that is what Ben calls them). This continues until Ben falls sick and is soon taken to the hospital.

Title: Ben's Flying Flowers

Author: Dr. Inger Maier PhD

Illustration: Maria Bogade

Publisher: Magination Press 

Unfortunately, Ben dies soon after and Emily is heartbroken. Emily already knew that Ben was sick, however, she was unable to cope with his sudden death. She becomes depressed and somber, and in return, she responds with anger and frustration. It takes a long long time for Emily to learn to cope with the new life situation. It took quite a while for her before she could appreciate life and experience happiness.

> Gorgeous yet simple illustrations go perfectly with the theme of this story and also enhance the story.

> The death of a younger sibling is rarely addressed in books, this is one such book!

> Very realistic and kid-friendly book which is well written.

> Living and dying are portrayed in a meaningful way.


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